Building Description
- Building Type: Office Building
- Structural System: RC special moment resisting frame with shear wall
- Number of Stories: Six Stories excluding basement
- To analze the building subjected to gravity and lateral loads.
- To design the structural elements of buildings.
- To compare the result of manual analysis and software-based analysis
- Capacity check using capacity design approach of designed regular frame building.
- For the manual analysis we used approximate method of analysis for the gravity loade and cantilever method of analysis for the lateral loads.
- In order to compare the result of manual analysis we analyzed the structure with the help of SAP 2000 software and result were compared
Site plan
Floor plan
![Image 2](projectimage/finalyear/5sapmodel.png)
Analysis Model
![Image 2](projectimage/finalyear/6modelpassing.png)
Model Passing
![Image 2](projectimage/finalyear/7deformed.png)
Deformed Shape
![Image 2](projectimage/finalyear/8bmd.png)
Bending Moment
BMD comparison
Base shear comparison
MPF comparisop