Building Description
- Building Type: Commercial
- Structural System: RC special moment resisting frame
- Number of Stories: Six Stories with basement
- Analysis and Design of a Reinforced Concrete Commercial Building
- Detailed design of structural components and provide structural drawings
- Provide Structural Analysis Report
- Performed preliminary design of RC members using manual sheets
- Calculated design dead, live, and Seismic loads in accordance with relevant Indian and Nepalese Standards
- Used ETABS 18.0.2 for analysis and design
- Performed Dynamic analysis using the Response Spectrum Method using linearly elastic response spectra
- Performed Modal Analysis
- Used Excel sheets for detailed design of Structural components by incorporating the forces derived from the analysis model
- Used SAFE for Footing design
- Created structural drawings in AUTOCAD to illustrate the design
ETAB model
![Image 2](projectimage/Megatech/2final.jpg)
Constructed Building
![Image 3](projectimage/Megatech/3final.jpg)
Night view
Typical Plan
Surveying works
Footing Details
Details for pit
Basement wall details
Beam details
![Image 11](projectimage/Megatech/11safeload.png)
Load Application in SAFE
![Image 12](projectimage/Megatech/12deformedshape.png)
Footing Deformed shape
![Image 13](projectimage/Megatech/13soilpressure.png)
Footing soil pressure
Beam longitudinal section
Footing Rebar
Pit rebar